Don’t Panic: A Pilot’s Guide to VFR Lost Procedures

Flying under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) requires pilots to maintain clear visual reference with the ground and navigate using those references. However, in the event that a pilot needs clarification or assistance on their location, it’s crucial not to panic. Understanding and applying proper VFR lost procedures can safely guide you back to familiar airspace.… Continue reading Don’t Panic: A Pilot’s Guide to VFR Lost Procedures

Helicopter Pilot vs. Airplane Pilot: Know the Differences

The world of aviation offers a fascinating array of careers, each with unique allure and challenges. Helicopter and airplane pilots’ roles stand out for their distinct requirements, skill sets, and flight operations. If you’re considering an aviation career, understanding the key differences between a helicopter pilot vs. airplane pilot can guide you to the path… Continue reading Helicopter Pilot vs. Airplane Pilot: Know the Differences