Helicopter Pilot vs. Airplane Pilot: Know the Differences

The world of aviation offers a fascinating array of careers, each with unique allure and challenges. Helicopter and airplane pilots’ roles stand out for their distinct requirements, skill sets, and flight operations. If you’re considering an aviation career, understanding the key differences between a helicopter pilot vs. airplane pilot can guide you to the path… Continue reading Helicopter Pilot vs. Airplane Pilot: Know the Differences

Building Situational Awareness: Essential Pilot Skills for Safe Flying

Situational awareness (SA) is one of the cornerstones of effective aviation. At Leading Edge Flight Academy, we emphasize this as among the most important pilot skills for ensuring safety and efficiency in flying. Situational awareness involves the ability to recognize, process, and comprehend the critical elements of your environment while flying, enabling you to make… Continue reading Building Situational Awareness: Essential Pilot Skills for Safe Flying

Your Path to Freedom: Earning Your Commercial Helicopter Pilot License

At Leading Edge Flight Academy, we believe in empowering students to soar beyond the horizon of their dreams. Earning a commercial helicopter pilot license is a tremendous achievement, opening doors to thrilling career opportunities and unparalleled world views. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the journey to achieving this significant milestone, including the steps,… Continue reading Your Path to Freedom: Earning Your Commercial Helicopter Pilot License

Is Being a Pilot Right for You? Explore Your Helicopter Pilot Career Path

Choosing an aviation career is a dream many aspire to, but embarking on a pilot career path requires more than just a passion for flight. It demands a combination of skills, dedication, and the right personality fit. Aviation offers a plethora of opportunities beyond the cockpit of a commercial airline. For those intrigued by the… Continue reading Is Being a Pilot Right for You? Explore Your Helicopter Pilot Career Path

Why Bend Is the Perfect Backdrop for Your Helicopter Flight Training

When it comes to helicopter flight training, the setting is just as crucial as the quality of instruction. Bend, Oregon, offers a compelling and picturesque backdrop that does more than beautify the journey to becoming a seasoned pilot; it provides a comprehensive, challenging, and unique training environment. Leading Edge Flight Academy, situated in this remarkable… Continue reading Why Bend Is the Perfect Backdrop for Your Helicopter Flight Training