History of LEFA in Bend: Experts in Flight Instruction Since 2005

History of LEFA in Bend: Experts in Flight Instruction Since 2005

Since its inception in 2005, Leading Edge Flight Academy (LEFA) in Bend, OR, has consistently raised the standards in the aviation industry. Built on a robust history of commercial helicopter operations, our flight instruction provides a unique perspective that sets us apart from other flight schools. As we look back on our roots, we are reminded of where we started and the valuable lessons we have learned.

Nurtured by Nature and Rigor

Our location is an unmatched advantage. Bend, Oregon, is an aviator’s sanctuary with clear skies over 300 days a year and a mix of mountain and desert landscapes. This environment is crucial for pilots to develop the skills for making decisions under varied weather conditions and terrains.

LEFA is not just about teaching people how to fly. We provide our students the service, experience and training to elevate their lives and reach their highest potential. This dedication is evident in our training methodology. We strive to be rigid in our training yet flexible in our relationships. We have fostered a culture where students, instructors, and staff feel valued and empowered, creating a conducive environment for learning and growth.

A Legacy Built on Experience

LEFA has witnessed thousands of students transform into skilled pilots in our two decades of operation. We feel immense pride when our pilots land placements in prestigious organizations or contribute back to society in remarkable ways. Over the years, our students and instructors have become a part of our extended LEFA family, growing their career paths and contributing to our strong safety culture.

Unlike ordinary ‘accelerated’ programs, which leave graduates with uncertain next steps, we pave a clear path. Students who excel in their training have the opportunity to interview and become flight instructors at LEFA.

Beyond Flight Instruction: Building Lifelong Flyers

The history of LEFA in Bend is much more than a chronicle of flight instruction. It’s a testament to what a community-centered approach can achieve. As we reflect on our journey, we’re excited about where we’re headed. We remain committed to providing premier training programs and continuing to shape the future of the aviation industry.

Ready to take the first step? Start your journey today, and letĀ our team of passionate instructors help you chart your course!